Online French exam preparation courses

Prepare for the DELF-DALF exam

The online French exam preparation programme

Give yourself the best shot of passing your exam!

About the online French exam preparation programme…

The DELF (diplôme en langue française) and the DALF (diplôme approfondi en langue française) are official diplomas issued by FRANCE EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL ( Centre for International Educational Studies) and the French Ministry of Education.

Our French language school in Bordeaux organises preparation courses for the DELF B2 and DALF C1 exams.

Newdeal Institut de Français prepares you for these internationally recognised French language diplomas. They are valid internationally and for an unlimited period. They validate and prove your level of French if you are applying for a job where French is required.

DELF B2 or DALF C1 are required for entry into French universities and grandes écoles in France.

The online exam preparation courses include explanations of methodology, vocabulary and themes specific to these exams, as well as grammar and communication skills.
All 4 language skills are worked on, as they are all assessed during the exam: oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral expression and written expression.
Mock exams are organised, corrected and worked on with the teachers of our French school, in order to best prepare you for the exam.

The online DELF/DALF exam preparation course is provided by our French language school.

Langue Onze Toulouse (KLF Group)

French exam preparation courses, online:

Who is the course designed for?

From intermediate to advanced levels

From 16 years old

International classes

How long does the course run for?

4 weeks

Fixed dates:

From 15/01/24 to 05/04/24
From 16/09/24 to 06/12/24

Evening schedule


Online group courses (14 students per class maximum)

9 lessons per week

(1 lesson = 45 minutes)

Online exam preparation courses

Price: 390€ DELF B2 or 410€ DALF C1

Included in the programme:

  • Placement test
  • Learning support from your teacher
  • A corrected mock exam

It all depends on your goal and your level. DELF B2 is required for admission to higher education establishments in France. The DALF C1 requires good French language skills and the ability to write and summarise documents.

By taking the online exam preparation course provided by Newdeal Institut. It’s also a good idea to do self-correcting exercises online. Don’t hesitate to ask our educational coordinators for advice on gaining access to our online platform.

At our Bordeaux exam centre. In addition to being a school of French as a foreign language, Newdeal Institut is also a DELF and DALF examination center. Check out our website for dates


Find out more about our online French exam preparation courses:

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